Prospective Musician Inquiry Form Thank you for your interest in becoming a musician at the Moss Street Market! The purpose of this form is to determine if you are a good fit for our market. The Music Review Coordinator will contact you to let you know if you need to provide more information, (i.e. music samples, mp3, Facebook, Youtube performances.)Name of Musical Group Contact Person *Phone Number (Main) Phone Number (Alternate) Email *NOTE: and emails not validMusic Description Please describe the type of music you play, the number of musicians in the group, and whether you do original material, covers, or both.Why is your music a good fit for the Moss St Market? Performing Experience (Where have you played before?)Link to URL of your musical group Eg - YouTube video or audio performance etc. VerificationPlease enter any two digits with no spaces (Example: 12)This box is for spam protection - please leave it blank: